Sunday, December 2, 2012

24 hour countdown

Well, here we are less than 24 hours from our first flight. Hard to believe we are on the cusp of it. Ready to be Stepping out of the Groove for 9 months on the road!

So what does the blog title mean to us?  The Groove represents daily life and routine that we all operate in for 95+% of our existence. Going to work, attending school functions, paying bills, etc. We generally are afforded only small snippets of time to step out of that groove, whether it is a weekend away or even a longer vacation.

Our experience from previous international travel is that when you extend that time period for several months you "go to a different place" in your thoughts, attitudes, and reflections.  It is enough time away to separate yourself from that normal daily routine completely, such that you gain insights into your own pathway in this world. It is a cool place to get to and very much worthwhile to pursue.

Our first-world existence can get too comfortable. It is important to intentionally disrupt things from time to time in order to remind yourself that you are still alive.  Take risks, embrace some discomfort, loathe mediocrity, and learn to suffer well. Third world travel will definitely test your coping skills.

And remember, living well is the best revenge.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Gibbs!

    I am enjoying your posts and hope you are able to keep it up! Did you take just your backpacks to Hawaii? Is it a little funny to be in a clearly first-world destination with your "third-world" preparations? Or is it great? I would love to hear (and see) more about what exactly you have packed and how it all works out as the trip progresses. It makes me think of PCT thru-hikers - how they travel lighter and lighter as the trip progresses.

    I like the thought-provoking concept of the "daily groove" that you present here, and I have been thinking about other, more accessible ways that we can step out of our daily grooves.

    TTFN -
    Keep writing - you have readers.
