Monday, December 10, 2012

Pu'ukohola Heiau Educational Report By Kenzi and Audrey

Audrey: Hi! I am here to tell you about Hawaii National Historic Area. First off, Kamehameha the future king, was born on the northwestern tip of Hawaii. He was the son of a high chief and princess. Kamehameha trained in his childhood to join the ranks of the warriors. In young adulthood, he was VERY tall and muscular!! To become King he flipped the original stone over. Now here's how it goes:             
If you flipped this stone over you had the chance to rule the Hawaiian Islands. Guess What? Kamehameha did it!! He became the King of the Hawaiian Islands!!  
Next, THE WEAPONS!!! The Pahoa is a dagger made of hardwood and almost 17 in. long. Shark teeth are bound to this weapon's edges. At the National Historic Area, we saw a spear 16 ft. tall!!! That's all folks!!

Kenzi: In 1758, many Hawaiian seers predicted that Keku'ia'poiwa, the daughter of a mighty chief, would give birth to a great Hawaiian  ruler. It was also predicted that he would be a rebel against many other chiefs. When Alapainui, the mighty king of the island of Hawaii, heard this news, he was very upset and planned to have the infant killed at birth. Alas, the princes would not have this. When the baby was born, she snuck him through a hole in her thatched cabin to a chief known as Nae'ole. He took the baby to a nearby forest where the child would stay safe and unknown for several years.

When Alapanui found the baby to be missing, he was outraged!!! He sent many warriors on a frantic search through many nearby villages to find the child. Many innocent people were whipped and burned because they did not know any information about the missing child. Meanwhile, Kamehameha (then known as Pai'ea meaning hard-shelled crab) was being raised in the forest by Nae'ole and chieftess Kaha'opulani. He was said to be the most cared for child in all of Hawaii.

Five years after the child had been born, Alapainui decided he would let the child come back to live with his true family. Kamehameha learned about the sea creatures, plants, and customs of Hawaii. In his later years, he was said to be very strong and about 7 feet tall. No wonder he could lift the Naha rock no prob. Well that's it for me. Hopefully you had enough patience to read it all and didn't fall asleep while doing it. And oh by the way: my dad made me do a report on this. If it was my decision in what it should be about, it would have been a lot more exciting!

Mike and Joanie in a rousing game of Hawai'ian Checkers!

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