Monday, November 26, 2012

On the Road

We left Ouray at 0630 on Friday, November 23.  Day one was a big day of driving.  We made Jeff and Maria's place in Butte, MT in just under 14 hours. 825 miles.

It felt like a monumental achievement just to transition our collective world into a vehicle.  Getting the house prepped for our departure was a big job. The punch list seemed endless a few weeks ago.

It didn't help that every day this autumn was pretty well just like the day we left - flawless weather! We managed to get in our climbing, elk hunting, trail runs, and bike rides despite being distracted by the huge task at hand.

Below is an image of our home in Ouray as well as the spectacular Amphitheater that forms the backdrop to our east.


  1. Looking forward to following your adventures here on your blog! Safe travels!
    ~Faith and Katarina

  2. Yay! An update! I miss you guys already. I can't wait for more stories, especially involving delicious authentic food and exciting (and safe!) wild animal encounters (narrated by Rock). I loved the different foods when I traveled, as well as the occasional tourist restaurant for pizza or burgers. Enjoy your last days in good ol' US of A.

  3. Go Gibbs! Living the dream. We are looking forward to every post.

  4. "In my own life I am not willing to trade quality for quantity. If this projected journey should prove to be too much then it was time to go already." - John Steinbeck, "Travels with Charley."

    Travel safe, Gibbs family! You've got a wonderful adventure ahead of you, and I am so grateful that I get to follow it as it unfolds :o)
