Sunday, July 14, 2013

Salento, Colombia

This is our fifth day here in Salento, Colombia and we are having the time of our lives.  The setting is sublime:  steep, rolling hills for 360 degrees, perfect weather, little to no bugs, tons of activities, and very, very affordable.  Add in an amazing hostel property at La Serrana as well as wonderfully friendly locals and it all sums up to an idyllic travel destination.  We kind of had a sense that we were going to like Colombia, but we have been blown away with how good it is.  Perhaps the best spot we have visited in 8 months; certainly one of the top 2 or 3, for sure.

Salento is in the 'coffee triangle' of Colombia.  It is a small town set in the high hills at the base of the higher mountains of the Andes.  Every day we have done an excellent activity.  Thus far we have 2 days of horseback riding, 2 days of mountain biking, and a day of hiking under our belts.  The trek was our first activity.  We went up into the Cocoro Valley to see the famous Colombian wax palms.  Colombia is the only place in the world that they grow. The big ones are in excess of 100 feet tall.  

The horseback riding has been a blast.  We have done two different 3 hour rides. Each has included trotting, galloping, river crossings, steep ascents/descents on single track. Basically, all of the stuff you never get to do in the States with a horse riding outfitter. The galloping has been everyone's favorite.
The bonus is that the cost for this type of 3 hour ride is $17 US per person!  

Colombia is rapidly developing into a mountain biking destination.  The hills are criss-crossed with a combination of single and double track trails and roads.  Lots of descending and climbing just like home.  Yesterday, we rode for 5 hours or so.  Probably close to 25 miles on dirt roads with three different big climbs.  The kids did great. They have gotten so strong on this trip in their athletic thresholds.  

We have just one more day in Salento and then we are off to the Manizales region for some high mountain trekking.  

100 foot plus "wax palm"

Typical countryside in Salento

Coffee tour

Spectacular Cocoro Valley

View from our hostel

Wax palms in Cocoro Valley

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