Sunday, July 21, 2013

Rock on the road to recovery

Rock's is mending well.  He slept through the night with zero coughing and his respirations are much reduced.  The antibiotic is doing the trick. What a relief.

Here is a fun Photo Booth picture of Rock and I using the "mirror" function. We were at the hospital and you can just make out the nasal cannula. He was parked next to an oxygen cylinder for about 3 hours yesterday morning.

In case you ever find yourself in a Colombian Urgencia room, bring your wallet.  Before we departed to the hospital, I loaded mine up with about $200 worth of local currency as well as the stash of USA greenbacks that I had available; another $800 or so.  When we checked in, the hospital security man asked if I had money to pay for any services rendered. I assured him I did.  After 3+ hours there, numerous meds administered, two different doctors, a blood draw and lab work, and O2 for just about the entire time, I held my breath for the damage.  It came to 65,000 Colombian Pesos.  About $35. I don't think they will hand you the clipboard and a pen in a USA emergency room for less than $1500.

Rock at San Vincente Urgencia room in Santa Rosa de Cabal

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