Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sabaidee from Vang Vieng

Many stories, videos, and pics to share in the future. However, wifi in Vang Vieng is abysmally slow and uploading media has proven to be an insurmountable hurdle. The desktops at the Broadband Internet cafes do not recognize my Seagate external hard drive. Stuck between a rock and a hard place with weak connectivity. C'est la vie. We have some good stuff to share, but will wait until we can properly upload. It may be a while. We leave for Burma on Jan 26 and that is reputed to be an internet dark zone. It may be until we get to South Africa around Feb 9 or so before we can get proper service. We'll see. A minor annoyance. We are loving Laos. Fantastic country to visit. Ciao.

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