Thursday, January 3, 2013

Hard earned Cambodia

The gates at Poipet

We are enjoying a lazy morning here in Siem Reap, Cambodia following a yeoman's effort to get here in one push all the way from Koh Tao.  Everyone did great and it was very much a typical travel experience.  Here is the breakdown:

  • Left apartment at Koh Tao at 11:00 am in the back of a pickup truck for the pier. Said goodbye to our hostess Zaneta who was on the mend from her contraction of Dengue Fever. Lovely.
  • Boarded the Lomprayah high speed catamaran for the return voyage across the Andamman Sea. Dramamine consumed by most in our party in an effort to stave off Barf-O-Rama II.
  • Made port at Chumphon after an uneventful crossing. Boarded a bus for the 1 hour ride to the train station.
  • Managed to leave the snorkel gear (5 masks/snorkels) on the bus. Buh Bye...thankfully, we were done with them and intended to send them Stateside with the Butzer-Pelsters. Oh well.
  • We were now at hour 7 or so on our travels.
  • Settled in for what was expected to be 6 hours at the train station waiting for our midnight train to Bangkok. It pulled in at 0200.  That was a tough stretch. Caught some Zzzs on the floor of the train station while Rock pulled sentry duty on the family of nearby rats.
  • Sleeper car to Bangkok. Pretty cozy after we booted the dirtbag Kiwi sleeping in one of our berths.  
  • Breakfast at train station in Bangkok. Quick transition to mini van for the drive to the border.  About 3 hours drive. The first hour was getting 4 blocks from the train station (no joke).
  • Walk across the border exiting Thailand and entering Cambodia. The usual rigamarole of forms, stamps, fees, and touts.
  • Another mini van to Siem Reap.  About 2 1/2 hours. Half of it in the dark.  
  • Dropped off at the town center for a transition to three Tuk Tuks to get our party of 9 to the Lotus Lodge. Arrived at 2000 (8pm). 
  • Dinner and cold beers followed immediately upon arrival.
  • Total time in transition = 33 hours. Total means of conveyance = 8. Whining episodes = ZERO.  
  • Strong work indeed.
The Ducks kickoff against K State in the Fiesta Bowl in 20 minutes. I actually have terrific internet bandwidth. Somewhat torn. However, I have wanted to see the ruins at Angkor Wat ever since I learned about them over 20 years ago.  Can't wait. Anticipation is high.

Go Ducks!!!

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