Thursday, August 1, 2013

Galapagos Islands

Well, here we sit at the breakfast table on our final morning (abroad) on this trip.  We knew the time would pass quickly.  However, I think everyone is ready to be home and not traveling out of a backpack for a while.  

Our week in the Galapagos Islands has been good, but not great.  I guess we came in with these really high expectations of an exotic locale and it turned out to be a little bit pedestrian.  Admittedly, it was pretty neat to see the wildlife up close.  They all seem to be very tame and unafraid of human presence.  

I did get to do a day of scuba diving with manta rays and hammerhead sharks.  I think if we went back I would look to book a week-long diving cruise. The underwater marine life is amazing. 

We have a bigtime milk run to get back to Portland, Oregon. We embark on about 28 hours of continuous travel around 60 minutes from now.  

We will likely post a few more times before we wrap up this blog. Final thoughts on the trip, reunion pics with Nanda, etc.  

Looking forward to seeing you all soon. 

Cactus Tree

Darwin's Finch


Mackenzie evading Tortuga Gigante

Customer at the fish market

Tortuga Gigante

Bluefooted Booby

Sea Lion - absent a tail :(   (shark bite!)

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