Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Paris post from Audrey

The Catacombs were made at the end of the 18th century! The Paris Catacombs are the world's largest Necropolis. Bones from all the city's cemeteries would be stored in limestone quarries! At the start of the 19th century, the Paris Catacombs were open to the public. Some visitors included, Francis I of Austria, who went in 1814, and Napoleon III, who visited in 1860 with his son. 

 The Vincennes castle started out as a hunting lodge built by the Capetian Monarchs in the 12th century. At the start of the Hundred Year's War, John the II initiated work on a keep close by, which his son, Charles V completed about 1370. At the time of Charles V death, the construction of the Holy Chapel had just begun. Further building work marked Louis XIV's sporadic presence (1643-1715) before he finally settled in Versailles.


Arc de Triomphe

Eiffel Tower

Hall of Mirrors - Versailles Palace

Sacre Coeur


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