Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) Jan 27-28, 2013

Our visit to Yangon (formerly Rangoon) was pretty quick so there are not too many stories to share. And we blogged earlier about our great experience that first night at Shwedagon Pagoda when we visited with some local monks.

The city is like most cities:  lots of people, shops, traffic, etc.  We enjoyed some nice meals as well as the excellent people-watching and exploring. 

Most of the Burmese men wear the traditional longhi.  The longhi is an ankle-length skirt that wraps around the waist and is secured in a similar manner as a bathroom towel. It is really not too much of a stretch from the Manpri type of rig that my friend Kevin Koprek sports around the climbing crags of Ouray. In fact, I entertained bringing him home his own longhi, but in the end decided against it for fear that he probably would wear it…

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