Thursday, November 22, 2012

Departure Eve

Wow.  This is it.  Tomorrow AM we depart Ouray for the first leg of our Round the World journey.  All international travel of any significance begins in Butte, Montana and we would be loathe to deviate from that time honored tradition.

We have a 14-hour drive to get to my brother Jeff's place in Butte.  Jeff and his wife Maria are going to be Nanda's caregivers over the next 9 months.  She will be in good hands.

We are likely not the first, but we are the next group of international travelers to begin their journey without passports. Ugh!  Our passports are in visa application purgatory at the Burma embassy in Washington DC.  The only visa that we had to get in advance and it is not going swimmingly, to say the least. We have the neighborhood watch program alerted to our front door step to watch out for a Fedex parcel in the next few days. Hopefully the passports catch up to us before we leave Portland on Dec 3.  Plan B is duplicate passports in Honolulu at the regional office the day prior to our flight to Bangkok.

10+ years in the making and the day has finally arrived.  Pretty surreal.  Had a great Turkey Day celebration with the Jackson's that included Don and Jan from Avon.  A nice send off from Ouray.

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